Game of Thrones is a TV Show based on the series of books called "a song of ice and fire" from George R.R Martin, also known as Satan, the killer of everyone you love.
I'm not gonna talk about the books. I'll only talk about HBO's Game of Thrones.
Game of Thrones is an addictive TV Show that will keep you watching till the end of the episode, and when this one ends, you'll watch the next one. You just can't watch one.
Or maybe you do. Maybe you don't even like it, but if you don't like Game of Thrones, you are being judged by me. Okay no, I'm joking, but just pretend that you like it and that way I can finish writing the post. Okay? Okay. Thanks.
Game of Thrones is awesome. It has awesome characters that you'll love. You will fall in love with them. Maybe you'll like them because they are cute, because they are adorable, because they are evil as fuck and you like evil people, because they are funny, because they are badasses, or just because you do.
You'll see them live, love, be happy, be sad, win, lose, cry and laugh. You'll join them in their path through the Seven Kingdoms, and you'll walk by their side, and you'll be with them in all of their important moments.
And then, when you realize how much you love that character and how important he/she is for the TV Show, BAM, George R.R Martin will kill him/her.
All of them.
He has no mercy.
But it's not only his fault. I haven't read the books yet, but I read a lot of stuff on Internet that says that a lot of the stuff that happens on the TV Shows never happened in the books.
So that means that the showrunners are as evil as George R.R Martin.
If you haven't watched Game of Thrones yet, you are missing out. It's an awesome TV Show with an awesome story and awesome characters.
Awesome characters that you will love and they be murdered, leaving you heartbroken.
Characters that you think that won't die because they look like the main characters. But they will. And you will be sad.
And you'll say "That's it. I'm not watching this anymore. I can't do this."
But, the next week after that you'll find yourself watching the new episode and falling in love with a new character, even though you know that he/she will die.
You can't stop watching it. Once you start watching, you can't stop.
It's a vicious circle that you can't escape from.