dijous, 25 de maig del 2017

My english progress

Given the fact that my first post only has 2 sentences ("Hi, my name is Aixa Aranda and I am 15 years old. I love watching TV Shows and I don't like humans.") I'm not quite sure how am I supposed to compare it to my last one. There's not much on my post of 4th of ESO because we didn't do anything during that year, so it'll be hard to compare. And that's pretty much the main difference from now and then; I (and the rest of the class, because for some strange reason we weren't asked to write posts) barely did anything and now I have a lot of posts (especially from this 3rd term, because in the 2nd one I just wrote one).
I do see some personal development though (reading all the posts on the blog, from the first one to the last one, because there's not enough in the first one to compare) and even though I still hate humans and love watching TV Shows, I think that in 4th of ESO I din't take things seriously, like for example in the alternative ending for Romeo and Juliet or the rabbit family tale, and now... well, now I don't take them seriously either, but instead of writing random stuff I whine about everything and I explain how much I hate it. I also think tat my older posts (especially the 1st of Batxillerat ones, like the one about my siblings the one about physical education) are ver angsty, while the most recent ones are not, they're just about me not caring at all instead of me being a very angsty human. And I did curse a lot more tha I do now. Honestly, that's not personal progress, because I don't see what's wrong with cursing, I only stopped it because last year's teacher told me to do so.
But actually, there's not that much of a development in any of the aspects I'm supposed to comment; as it has been demonstrated many times to me, times changes, but I don't.

My english competence in 2017

I believe that my best written evidence is either "Modern slavery in Spain" or Describe your soulmate/life parnter. I have chosen two because since I'm a very shy person I don't have any oral evidence posted in the blog and because it was the other part of the task, I have chosen two writings to make it up, even tough it probably won't.
I think that this two are the best ones because they are the only ones that are written in a """formal""" language, unlike 99% of my posts, and because even tough they have a considerable lenght, they are better structured than the others and the ideas don't repeat themselves all over the text like happens in most of my posts.

dijous, 18 de maig del 2017

I don't know what I just wrote but it has 135 words

It's 1:13 a.m and I'm still awake, doing homework. It never ends. I literally finish tomorrow (well, at least officially), and here I am, on the last night, still studying. And as a person who is always tired no matter what, this is definitely the worst thing I could do. But well. I guess that I'm going to die anyway, whether if I sleep or I stay awake until who knows when. I can't wait for summer vacation and have long naps and sleep 10 hours per day and not doing anything else. I really hate school, which is pretty ironic if you think of it since I'm going to spend another year here and I probably won't do anything to solve it.
Then again, I'm going to die either way, so what's the point.

Intelligent people tend to be messy, stay awake longer, and swear more

According to this article, people who swear tend to have higher IQs. It starts by saying that even though it is commonly believed that people who swear have a limited vocabulary, people who doesn't swear are the ones that have a limited one, because in a certain way they are limiting their vocabulary by not saying any curse.
It continues by saying that people who tend to stay up late, and they're messy, since that way creativity flows better and they literaly say that  "If you don't spend much time cleaning and organizing everything around you, your mind is obviously occupied with more important stuff."

Link here.

Personal opinion

If this was true then I'd be a genius, but it's not, so I am not. I don't believe anything from this article, it doesn't make sense. It's a shame though, if it was true, then i could have some hope, but no.

Negative people die sooner

This article says that negative people will die sooner. After explainig a study that was performed where people's mental and physical healt was being tracked, it says that the researchers propose three different causes to this; the first one is that there may be a direct biological link between personality and health, noting that hat stress and depression have been correlated with such physical problems as hypertension and lower immune system responsiveness, the second one being the possibility of negative personality traits leading to poor self-care leading to death, and the third one, copying directly from the article"underlying neuroticism may "modify the prognosis of diseases after their onset."" and translating it into a language that I can understand because the previous statement is too much for my poor limitated and stupid mind; when people prone to anxiety or depression are given a diagnose they'll asume the worst and will put less effort into treatment.

Link here.

Personal opinion

Well, this article along with another one that I commented back in the first term, I am so going to die soon. 

I'm not sure if I should feel happy about it. I think I should. I don't know.
If I don't finish all my posts, you should take this into consideration; don't fail me, because you're dealing with a terminal person here, and since I'm going to die real soon, you could at least grant me the honor of not having to go to the recovery test next week.

Spain's 'lazy' young told by judges to get a life

This article explains how a 23-year-old woman has demaned to her parents to keep finacially supporting her as she studies, asking to be given 300€ at month. However, since it was noted by the court that she hadn't finished her secondary studies and even though her parents had given her money to study IT courses that she didn't complete either, they denied her request by saying that her conduct was "legally classifiable as one of abandonment, laziness and failure to take advantage".
It continues explainig how young people in Spain take longer to leave their family homes since the crisis started back in 2008, and impliying that it's closely tied with not finishing secondary studies.

Link here.

Personal opinion

I clicked on this article because, even though seeing the words "lazy" and "Spain" it's not surpsing at all, I found myself imagining how british people must have read this same article and I found it kind of funny. "Oh those spaniards are rubbish, thank God for Cameron, the brexit and tea! God save the queen hahaha *all said in a very brittish accent*".
Honestly, I'm not sure if this should be considered a piece of news as much as a huge relieve for the parents. I mean, the "ninis" (how they are known here in Spain) have been out there for years now, and I guess that this case going public is a small spark of hope for those parents who are stuck with that kind of kids (well, they're not that young anymore to be called kids.),
Still, it's very easy to ponit at the "ninis" and blame them for everything, instead of blaming what made them be how they are; how are they going to find a job, if there are none out there, and the few ones that are avalible pay a miserable salary? How can you blame them for dropping out of school if the educational system in Spain is pretty much the worst one in Europe, leading to have the highest drop rate? And of course, we also need to take into consideration the world where they have grown up, where the society praises partying, sex, drugs and alcohol and leaves behind stuyding and working. That society, being the same one that has been built that way to get rid of the opression of the older generations that, even though now all that they say is "older times were much better" or "con Franco esto no pasaba" (and that makes them worthy of being kicked in the face) that were way worse than ours.
This people have been doomed to grow in a country where everything is stucked and predestined to be a big mess. They haven't done anything but being born in the wrong country.
And even though I am by no means defending not doing anything (they should at least try), it just bothers me to see people mocking and insulting "ninis".
Right. Because discrediting them is way more effective than encouraging them to find a job or studying, while the PP, who is very much responsible for this, keeps winning every election  and is being voted by that same people who hate "ninis" and keep praising old times, perpetuating the chaos in this country and creating more "ninis" everyday.

We suck. We really suck.

diumenge, 14 de maig del 2017

Human rights

What are human rights?

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.


2. When and why were they created?

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted after the end of World War II on 10 December 10, 1948 by United Nation (UN) General Assembly in Paris. 


3. How many human rights are there?