dijous, 25 de maig del 2017

My english progress

Given the fact that my first post only has 2 sentences ("Hi, my name is Aixa Aranda and I am 15 years old. I love watching TV Shows and I don't like humans.") I'm not quite sure how am I supposed to compare it to my last one. There's not much on my post of 4th of ESO because we didn't do anything during that year, so it'll be hard to compare. And that's pretty much the main difference from now and then; I (and the rest of the class, because for some strange reason we weren't asked to write posts) barely did anything and now I have a lot of posts (especially from this 3rd term, because in the 2nd one I just wrote one).
I do see some personal development though (reading all the posts on the blog, from the first one to the last one, because there's not enough in the first one to compare) and even though I still hate humans and love watching TV Shows, I think that in 4th of ESO I din't take things seriously, like for example in the alternative ending for Romeo and Juliet or the rabbit family tale, and now... well, now I don't take them seriously either, but instead of writing random stuff I whine about everything and I explain how much I hate it. I also think tat my older posts (especially the 1st of Batxillerat ones, like the one about my siblings the one about physical education) are ver angsty, while the most recent ones are not, they're just about me not caring at all instead of me being a very angsty human. And I did curse a lot more tha I do now. Honestly, that's not personal progress, because I don't see what's wrong with cursing, I only stopped it because last year's teacher told me to do so.
But actually, there's not that much of a development in any of the aspects I'm supposed to comment; as it has been demonstrated many times to me, times changes, but I don't.

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