dilluns, 26 de setembre del 2016

Email to the teacher

Hi, I'm Aixa Aranda and I'm in your class of English of 2nd of Bachillerat. We were told to send you and e-mail about our goals, related to that video that we watched in class about Obama, and well, here it is.

I do not have goals at all, my life is very dizzy and I haven't got much hope for the future. But I guess that if I had to choose a goal it would be to just stay alive and keep going, because even that is a challenge. Given that my goal is to live, I could face all kinds of challenges, because I guess that that's the main point of life; suffering. I could say that the main goal of life is to overcome challenges, but there are lots of challenges that are impossible to overcome and the only thing for us to do is to suffer.

"So I expect all of you to get serious this year. I expect you to put your best effort in everything you do. I expect big things from each of you. So don’t let us down. Don’t let your family down, or your country down or most of all, don’t let yourself down. Make us all proud."
If I had to choose something about his speech to comment it, it would definitely be that one. It is beautiful, inspiring, and above everything, a big fat lie.
Obama doesn’t care about anyone. I’m pretty sure that no one cares much about anyone. This is a world where everyone follows the rule of the survival of the fittest.
If you fail, nobody cares, you just fall into oblivion. And if you actually manage to make something big in your life, people will pretend that they have always liked you, even though they never did and never will. 
Humans are strange beings.

So, all this happy-positivity stuff annoys me a bit, because it’s just… I don’t know. Even though the quote itself is kind of… cute, it’s a bit… hypocritical coming from the US President, a country where if you don’t belong to a certain social class, you may be treated a bit like… crap. (Sorry about that swear word).  And it’s going to be even worse when Trump becomes the president, because he will, because humans are dumb and will vote for him.
And well, our country is even worse.

I don’t know. The world is an awful place for all of that positivity and happiness.
Or maybe I’m just annoying.

Yeah. It’s probably that.

dilluns, 19 de setembre del 2016

Why 30 is not the new 20 (video)


So, this video basically talks about the importance of not wasting time. About not relaxing when you're on your twenties because you think you're young and you have plenty of time ahead of you. Meg Jay says that everyone trivializes the importance of being twenty and not knowing what to do, but that's just... dumb.

I mean, it's not. I agree that 20's are one of the most defining decades, and I also agree that no one should waste their time, or procrastinate, as she calls it. I do believe that, and I do agree with it. When you are in that defining decade, it's when you’re supposed to start working in your career, your love-life, etc.

But why? First thing I want to talk about. Why is so important to live that kind of live? 
You could spend your twenties working on your career and looking for Mr./Mr.s Right. You can spend your twenties working and studying and getting married and having kids and get that life, the white picket fence that everyone dreams about.
And just to wake up one day and realize that you actually never wanted that. You hate your job, you don't love your spouse that much and your kids are annoying little fucks (sorry for that curse). Your live is repetitive and frustrating. You are doomed to live that kind of life forever, and your kids will be doomed to it as well, and their kids, and their grandkids...
Why is it that everyone thinks that the only way of living is getting married, having kids and a "successful job"?  What if you don't want to live that way?
Is that really the only kind of life that exists? 

You are just supposed to follow what everyone has told you to do for your entire life. But I do not believe that. 
Life should all be about exploring. Or not. Life should be about whatever you want it to be. Not just following that. Working and breeding, not doing all the things you actually want to do because you do not have the time, and when you do have the time, you are too old for it. 
It's kind of messed up, if you think about it. When you are young, you have the time (unless you are in high school, especially in Bachillerat) and the energy to do stuff, but you don't have the money. When you are an adult, you have the money (unless you live in a country like ours) and the energy to do stuff, but you don't have the time. And when you’re old, you are supposed to have the money (not if you live in this country, though) and the time (unless you live in Spain. I guess that if you live here you'll have to wait until you're 67. And if things keep up this way, my generation will retire at 80) but you do not have the energy. 
So what's the point of working so hard to get that kind of live? You never get to enjoy anything. 
Then the media is all about "the little moments" and how happy we are about them and how they are what truly matters. 
"Life is tough, but at the end of the day what truly matters is that you have your family and you love them, so keep working hard and being always tired and never having enough money or anything, because it's all about getting through the day to get home at night and watch TV with your loving family".
They say that to us and we stay satisfied with it, while they spend our money doing whatever the heck they feel like doing, that kind of stuff that we can't do because it doesn't enter in the whole "white picket fence" plan.

Why is it like this? This can’t be the only way of existing.

But then again, we are humans and we always do things the wrong and selfish way. As long as someone has the power to be superior to other person (money being “the power”) it will stay like that. No matter who has it.

And other ways are messed up as well, like communism. Everything is messed up.

I believe that humans where never meant to live together. It never works out.

Or maybe I’m just dumb. Maybe I just wrote a post full of nonsense, because I’m dumb. I don’t know. I’ll never know.

Sorry for this post.

Click here to watch that video.