dissabte, 30 de gener del 2016

Idealizing past times

Sometimes I'm such an emo.

I'm like "whoa everything is a shit humans are shit blablablah".

And of course "Jesus Fucking Christ, this year sucks, the past one was so much better."

I mean, I've been saying that a lot for the past few years, but, how the fuck is it possible?
If this one is a shit, next year I'll should remember it as the shit that is has been, not like "a year much better than this one".

I do that. A lot. Even though I know this year is not that bad and that it could be worse, I still think that 4 of ESO was better.

And yeah, it was, but that's not the case.

Why does everyone tends to idealize past times?

Like childhood. Everyone remembers childhood like a time full of rainbow kisses and unicorn stickers.

"Oh man I miss my childhood when I didn't had to do homework/go to school/go to work/pay the bills/etc. My only worry was to play and not worry at all.
It was awesome."

Fuck no!

It was a fucking hell.

It is the most boring time of the life. You can't do anything. You are just something that is around, depending 24/7 of your parents.

I mean, if all the kids want to grow up is because of something, right?

Childhood sucked.

Like middle school.

I remember that when I left middle school, everyone said to me "oh Aixa you'll see it in a few years. You will be at high-school and thinking "oh man, I miss middle school". You'll see how much you'll miss it in a few years."

Well bitch it's been five fucking years and I still don't miss it.

Sure, I had a few good moments. But no.
 I don't miss it. At all.

But a lot of people does.
 Sometimes even me.

Well no, I don't miss it, but sometimes I think "middle school was better, because I didn't had all of this work".
Then I remembered everything of middle school and I say to myself "lol nope it was not".


Why does people idealize past times so much?

They forget about the bad things, and keep the good ones.

That's not how it should work, because that way you'll always think that past times were better and you'll feel like now everything is worse.

Or maybe past times were better and I'm just an idiot who hates everything.

Who the fuck knows.